Sunday, June 14, 2009

Packing and planning

Some people are obsessive packers. Others don't plan at all. I'm somewhere in between. I've done some research on our trip, including figuring out some of the major things we plan to see.

And, I've definitely thought through exactly how to get from the airport to the hotel once we get to Tokyo. We'll be tired. We won't want to risk getting lost (although we still might!). However, after that, we just have a vague idea of what we'll do when. We're going to a baseball game, and plan to climb Mt. Fuji on our last full day there. I like to wake up in the morning and then deciding.

My wife really wants my daughter to start packing today, five days before we go. Why? We have a good packing list, but we're mostly bringing clothes. I do believe in making a list, but I don't see the point of setting things aside so far in advance of putting them in the suitcase. We do have a few things to buy, which we'll do this week. But, nothing will go into my suitcase until the night before we depart. I'd rather do it all at once.

Luckily, there is good Internet access at our hotel, so we can do lots of activity planning when we get there. And, with some luck, my PDA will work there (AT&T says it will, we'll see). I'll even be able to post to the blog via email. Look for a test in a minute!

With school ending and the trip coming up, we're really excited!

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